This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details

Some knives in my collection

Left to Right, some custom knives from Lowcountry (B. Branton), R. Lee, a pair of Vipers from H. Moeller, another Branton, and a pair of Karps.

A classic, the Harry McEvoy model #79 Pro-Thrower from Tru-Balance Knife Company.

All of the above knives can be found in our
Custom Collection

Left to right, some off-the-rack knives from Blackjack, a pair of Cold steel throwers - Warhead and True Flight Thrower (TFT) - and the original Hibben III. Of these, the Warehead has the best weight, but is much too brittle. The Blackjack is a high quality thrower and is on its way to becoming a rarity.

Clockwise from 11:00, a Rostfrei boot knife, a Hibben II, a target knife from Atlanta Cutlery, a Hibben I, the baby Blackjack, and a small rosewood handled knife with a moveable brass weight from Gorilla & Sons catalog.

See the Catalogs link for most of these.

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This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details