This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details |
From: Ryan Osborne <josborne@CyberGate.COM>
When I first started training I was heavily influenced by my knife
fighting instructor. He is a trainer for the CHP and has been a CHP
for a long time. One of the things he used to advise us to do, was to
train with and against any weapon you think you might have to face.
This meant knives, sticks, chains, bottles, tire irons, machetes and
razors. The list ended up including almost everything you can think
of, and a few things we couldn't. Who would think of someone carrying
a bag of crystal draino mixed with ground glass to throw in your eyes?
My advice to anyone wanting to learn how to neutralize and use a
certain weapon is just to mess around with it. The way that we do it
is that everyone picks a type of weapon that they will become
proficient in. Mine was the bottle and I put a lot of time into
practicing with it and understanding it's strengths and weaknesses.
When it came time to practice against a certain type of weapon you
would face someone who knew how to use it(and could control it to
provide added safety to his/her partner). Right away we learned what
would work and what wouldn't work.
With my bottle, I had already hit it against a pole to see what it
would do. It broke. I was worried that I had been given kind of a
useless weapon to model. Then I looked at the ground. The bottle had
broken, but the glass shards had continued to travel in the same
direction as my original strike. I thought about this for a while and
came up with some good techniques for its use.
When my time came to be the attacker I made my partner wear his
goggles. Everybody thought this was funny, but he did it anyway. I
knew there was no way I could control my bottle so I decided to
simulate it another way. As we prepared to play I turned my back and
filled my hand with flour. My partner was getting some last minute
instruction from my teacher and didn't see me. Turning to face each
other I screamed and launched my hand towards his face. He blocked my
hand with an inner block that stopped my hand. As my hand was stopped
the flour flew out of my hand from the residual momentum and sprayed
my partners goggles. While he was reacting to the shock, I gutted him
with the end of my now jaggedly broken bottle. I looked around and
everyone was silent. I thought I was in trouble, but my instructor
was smiling at me and nodding his head.
On that day we learned that the best way to prepare for a weapon is
to train with someone who knows how to use it. If you can neutralize
that person, then an attack on the street will generally be no
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 09:10:14 +0000
Subject: eskrima: Re: Inayan_Eskrima/FMA-Digest V3 #167
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This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details