This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details |
5211 S. Tacoma Way.
(800) 525-9073
(206) 471-9894
(206) 475-0950 (fax)
Another source for good stars, is Little China Town Martial Arts Supply. This is a good site, but will take a while to load as there are many graphics...
There is also this interesting little place...
Rick Clark
Bitterroot Cutlery
4025 Government Way, Ste. 8
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
(208) 667-3887
Rick has some nice 4+ inch steel stars in stock, 4 point and 8
point. These are the real thing, not pot metal. Mention my name, or
the thrower page. It might make a difference!
There are other sources of these items as well. See our catalogs link.
This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details |