This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details Complementary page on Reviews of throwing knives |
Click here for a hi-res
of some of these knives.
1) Dragon Knives by John Goss
There are two models currently in production. The PRO thrower has an
arrow-shaped point, sharpened on both edges then flowing into a nice
handle giving center balance, but the sharpened double edge in the last
few inches behind the point makes these handle only throwers.
The "Long Distance" model is so named
because John Goss happened to win a long distance contest with the
original small version of this knife. I own a set of these, and they do
work well at distance, but they are just fine close up too. This model
has simple straight ahead forward lines, a small thick flair at the
guard, and a smooth handle with a gentle swell at its center then smooth
taper to the end. This knife throws equally well from the blade and
handle, really a nice statement in a simple design.
Years ago, a company called Blackjack produced a professional thrower
called the broadhead. These are rare now, but in their time were
clearly the best factory made throwers I had ever found. These new
Dragon knives, particularly (in my opinion) the Long Distance model
are as good or better than the BlackJack Broadhead!
My apologies. I had to delete these links because they no longer work.
Ebay keeps changing database ids for their stuff, and neither the
manufacturer nor distributor has supplied me with any pictures I can put
on this web site. These are good knives, you can take my word for it, but
good pictures tell the whole story a lot better. Their loss!
2) THE
Technically, as this knife is manufactured by the
Boker Knife Co. of Solingen
Germany, it is "off the rack" and not custom made. It certainly takes first
place now in being the most expensive off the rack ($160+) thrower on the
market that I am aware of.
I've never met John Bailey, but we've known one another for a couple of
years thanks to being both knife throwers and Internet users where supporting
web and email based communications services allow us to keep in touch easily.
When I first heard about the
I knew I had to try it eventually, but the Boker price put me way off. When a
Blade Forums member
offered to sell me one for $100, I thought that was still awfully expensive for
a throwing knife, but for the sake of the experience, and my ability to give
you a review of this very innovative knife, I went ahead with the purchase!
To set some context, it appears John set out to design a camp/hunting knife
that could also be thrown. Not only would it have the toughness to be thrown,
but it would have some specific design features related to throwing, as well
as some features to facilitate use as a camp knife whether it was ever
thrown at all. I know John is a hunter of big game so he knows more than a
little about what a hunting camp knife has to do.
The TanKri is a little more than 13 inches long (332mm). It is a little under
2 inches (50mm) in width at the peak of its belly, and 5/64 inches (4mm) in
thickness. The blade is flat for most of its width, with the primary bevel
beginning a little less than 1/2 inch (12mm) from the edge. As you can see
from John's
picture, the 7 inch blade has a severe recurve beginning about 3.5 inches
back from its reinforced, upside down tanto style point. The handle slabs
feel like a plastic imitation of wood, and are held on by pins with a built-in
release mechanism (one of the knife's salient features) that allow the slabs
to be removed for throwing. This permits the knife to have a handle made from
a comfortable material that might be broken or damaged when thrown (if you
miss and slap it, or strike it with a second knife). It also makes for easy
clean up of blood and dirt that has a tendency to get under slab handles
when used for hunting and camp chores.
The TanKri is heavy as a good throwing knife should be. Some people also
prefer a heavier sort of camp knife because the weight is suited to some of
the most common chores such a knife is called upon to perform, like chopping
wood, and possibly also the breast bone or pelvis of big game. Boker tempered
the stainless steel to a RC hardness of 53, a little harder than is typical
for a
dedicated throwing knife, but the reinforced point, flat sides, and over all
thickness permit the knife not only to stand up to the stresses of throwing,
but also to serve well in the process of splitting fire wood or taking apart
a large animal carcass. An additional bonus is the steel's ease of sharpening,
something many people prefer to raw edge holding ability in a camp knife that
may have to be sharpened on a flat rock. Because it is stainless, it will
stand up well between cleanings. Because the handles can be removed, it can
be washed in a dishwasher if desired.
As a chopper, the knife excells!. The recurve, along with a convexly
curved spine,
puts the chopping sweet spot way out on the blade where its forward balance
and weight (the knife is widest at the peak of the belly) does the most good.
I discovered
that the TanKri behaves like a curved-bladed cleaver and chops better than any
other knife anywhere near its length that I own, including my Busse Steel Heart!
It is as good or better than
a small hatchet, something like a small "Woodsman's Pal" or "Billhook" if any
of you know those tools. I'm not a hunter and have little skinning experience,
though I've gutted and cleaned my share of fish and other sea food. The TanKri
has plenty of belly for skinning, and while its a little heavy and off balance
for an optimal skinner, it isn't bad considering the overall compromises
that have to be made when engineering so many features into one tool. I tried
it in the kitchen, and found the recurve to be inconvenient for
vegetable and fruit preparation, but the knife was great quartering chicken
and slicing a rack of ribs!
As a thrower, the knife delivers on its design too.
The handle slab mechanism works as advertised, though the slabs
had to be pulled a little bit to get them off the handle once the release
switch was pulled back. This took a few seconds, and a few more to secure the
parts from being lost before one could focus on a throw. So you can't take the
knife from camp chores to throwing in the short time necessary to take
advantage of some opportunistic target, but the process is sufficiently
convenient for sport usage, or if one chooses to go hunting with this thrower,
something the sharpened edge, point, and weight make possible.
I thought the downward swell at the knife's pommel would interfere with
release. It didn't bother me at all, but it does constrain the release to a
simple opening of the hand. You can't let the TanKri slide out of your palm.
The knife makes a beautiful
single turn from 12-14 feet. I may have found a new blade for PKT
competitions! It throws well from the blade too.
The sharpened edge forces one to use a
sharp knife style grip,
and while the overall weight and width of the knife make this grip
a little more difficult than it is with lighter, smaller knives, the forward
balance causes the knife to turn relatively slowly and my half-turn blade
throws hit from 10 to 12 feet!
Over all, I'd have to say that John's design is a success. He and Boker
both get an "A" for design and implementation. The knife works well
as a camp knife falling short only in that it is heavier than some people like
for this kind of work. The recurved blade is great for many camp and
hunting chores but less suitable for others often better served by a smaller
knife anyway. The TanKri is also a great
throwing knife, having only those disadvantages associated with a large
sharp-edged thrower in general, along with an excessive cost.
Would I do anything differently? Maybe not given the trade-offs John was after,
though I think the handle slab mechanism is something of a concession to German
fascination with intricate machining. If I were going to really use the knife
in a camp environment and take advantage of opportunistic throwing targets, I'd
loose the removable slabs and replace them with some composit material or
leather like that used by a number of other throwing knife makers. To me, this
would be a compromise that pushed the knife more towards throwing, though I
have to admit the ability to clean under the handle after hard use as an
outdoor knife is very appealing.
3) Mini-Hibbens (Hibben thrower I). Shaped a little like a hunting
knife, this beauty is featured near the beginning of the Steven Segal
movie _Under Seige_ It is 6" long (15.2cm) and weighs in at about 60g, a
very light knife, good for indoor throwing.
4) BLAZING ARROW This is a spade-shaped (double edged, but edges
are dull)
target knife. It is a tad over 7" (17.75cm) and weighs about 90g. This knife
is a chinese knock off of Harald Moeller's
VIPER (see custom makers and
custom knife descriptions).
There are two larger
brothers as well (8.5 inch and 10.5 inch), imitations of the Viper II and III
respectively. While not as carefully crafted and detailed as the originals,
it is a very good knife at the price, about the least expensive of the
off-the-rack knives around. This mini is too small for much (ok indoors),
but the larger ones are pretty nice especially given their low cost,
usually $12 to $15.
5) Mini-Black-Jack. Like the one above, a spade-shaped target knife.
8.3" long (21cm) it weighs about 140g. OK for indoor work, a little too light
for outdoor, but some like it.
6) Medium sized Hibben (thrower II). 8.5" (21.5cm) also about 140g.
This particular knife is featured in the movie _Under Siege_ where Steven
Segal first throws it dead center into a wooden cutting board hung on a
pillar as a target, and later into the neck of the first bad-guy he takes
out. Realistically, like the Mini Black-Jack, it is a little too small
and light for outdoor work. OK indoors. Good with a pinch grip.
7) Fury 70000, a Hibben imitation (similar but not exactly the same), at
9.5" (24cm) and about 180g. This knife is cheaper then you find a Hibben
most places and is every bit as good a thrower. In size and weight it lies
in between the Hibben II and III. A good thrower from United Cutlery (UC51).
8) Large Hibben (thrower III), 10" (25.3cm) 240g. The only knife of
the older Hibben style that approaches professional length and weight.
9) Cold Steel True Flight Thrower, 10.5" (27cm) 240g. This knife looks
like a bayonet. It is bilaterally symetrical except that only one edge of
the blade is sharpened, the other is thickend like the upper spine of
the Hibben knives. Handle is wrapped in parachute cord which makes
the knives quieter when you miss. Their length permits one to throw
(from the blade) far enough from the center of gravity to spin the knife
much faster then is the case with the Hibben III for example. Thus
the TFT does 180 in only about 7 ft., and 540 in 15ft (about 4.6m).
As a rule, these knives are a bit too small and light to be really good
throwers, but their biggest problem is that they are too brittle. I've
broken all three of mine.
10) Black-Jack Thrower One of the few off-the-rack knives that meets
professional standards of size and weight. It
is 12" (31cm) long and weighs about 14 oz., almost 400g. Alas, BlackJack
appears to have gone out of business in late 1996 or early 97, and these
knives are very hard to find. If you do find some, grab em!
11) Cold Steel WARHEAD Another off-the-rack knife of professional
length (12 inches) and weight (about 15 oz.), really made as a thrower
and makeshift spear-head. Double edged and sharp, very wide. Has slots
cut into the sides of the knife in the guard area for lashing to a pole
etc. Unfortunately, these are way too brittle. Miss a couple of times and
slap the handle and I almost guarantee the knife will break in two.
The first 2 above would be the small knives, 3, 4, and 5 are the mediums,
while 6, 7, 8, and 9 are the large. This is relative of course. Only the largest
Black-Jack, and now the largest of the newer Hibben knives (which I do not
own) are large enough to meet professional standards. The smaller ones are
great for indoor practice. I have been working so much with the larger
types of knives, that I do not throw these any more. When I do, I find I
like the larger knives better, but can still throw the smaller ones.
12) Cold Steel Torpedos
So many people on the thrower mailing list have asked me about the
Cold Steel
Torpedos, that I finally had to get them and try them out. Of course when
I went to get ONE, there turned out to be two different models. The
original is 14" long, about 1" thick at its widest point, and weighs
about 2 lbs. The newer one is also 14" long, 3/4" wide and weighs about
1.25 lbs. These two are otherwise very similar. They are both black
cold rolled steel cylinders that taper smoothly from their widest point
in the middle to two wicked points on the ends.
They are not, therefore knives, but more like gigantic double pointed
spikes, or modern versions of the "throwing stick". As for their flight
characteristics, they are nothing short of superb!
Both easily exceed the generally accepted McEvoy ratio of 1 oz per
inch for a well weighted thrower. They are also, as one might expect
from their shape, balanced EXACTLY in their center, and even better,
have their greatest weight concentration in their center. Their
release characteristics are nothing short of fantastic there being
nothing to interfere with release as the cylinder tapers smoothly
to its point on either end.
bigger one is a true hunting weapon. If you can hit small or medium
sized game with it,
you are almost guaranteed at least a disabling injury by sheer impact,
even if you don't hit with a point. The smaller one is also heavy enough
to use for hunting smaller game, and is much easier to throw due to its
being considerably lighter. I have been successful with it out to three
turns, and with the larger out to two (I can hardly reach my target
with the larger one from three turns out). The fact that they have
points at both ends means the distinction between full and half turns
is effectively oblitterated, increasing their value as hunting weapons,
and making them easier to use for sport throwing as well.
PLEASE note however that they are not indestructable. True to form,
CS has made them just a tad too brittle for rugged throwing weapons. I
broke one of the tips off of my larger one when it torqued itself out of
my target. This should not have happened. It didn't hit a rock or anthing,
just wood, but about 1/4" of the tip broke clean off!
Prices on the torpedos are very reasonable, about $24 for the bigger
one and $19 or so for the smaller (less if you buy three of more at a time).
That makes them less expensive than
any throwing knife anywhere near their size and weight class. These
things are one good deal. I can highly recommend them.
13) Pananandata Knife by Amante Marinas
Designed by the author of the book
Pananandata Guide to Knife Throwing
these knives are 10 inches long (same as the Hibben III), but weigh in
at 10 ounces, a perfect 1/1 McEvoy ratio of weight to length! They are
handle heavy with their balance point a little more than 6" from their
tip making them very good blade throwers, but heavy enough to throw
from blade or handle. Because the designer is a martial artist, his
knife reflects a dual purpose of being a thrower and a fighting knife,
with a classic pinky index bump at the end of the handle, and a
false guard at the front. When thrown from the handle one has to be
careful not to let the fingers get caught up on this rear indexing
bump, but it isn't hard to do. However because the handles are heavy,
they turn very fast thrown from that side, and correspondingly more
slowly thrown from the blade. Dr. Marinas tells me he designed them
specifically for underhand throwing!
The knives are plain steel, no handle
slabs, single edged, and spear pointed, with the longitudinal axis
of the handle being a little higher than that of the blade. At $16.99
retail, they are comparable to
the Hibben III. They are harder to throw from the
handle than the Hibben, but throw even better from
the blade. However, I have noticed that the 22' half turn I can achieve with
the Hibben using the technique described in
this article does not achieve the same
remarkable distance
with Dr. Marinas', knife thanks I think to the heaviness of the handle.
You have to choke up so far on the knife that it gets caught up in the
hand on release. All
of the other techniques used for blade throwing with a sharp edged knife
work well however.
Ilan I think there are a number of people who prefer throwing
conventional "sheath" knives more then those designed for throwing
alone. I think if it works and doesn't break that's fine. When you throw
hard as I do, many ordinary knives will eventually break because the
blade can not stand the stress (torque) applied when the tip hits but
the much heavier handle is still moving. I understand old military
bayonets are very good for throwing because they are reinforced along
the sides of the blade (lots of torque in military use too I imagine).
Without doubt, these take the current (June 2000) prize for being the
finest professional style throwing knives on the market that are factory
produced, especially at their price point. These knives are long (13.25"),
heavy (about 13 ounces) and nicely finished for a retail price of
$30.00. The primary dealership is through Ebay. I will have url and
contact information here shortly if I can, but for now, you can reach
the primary distributor
Rick Lemberg by email, and there
are some pictures, but see the
warning at the end of the review.
Now some comments on the general subject from the list itself ...
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This page is part of the official ARCHIVE COPY of the pioneering but abandoned Thrower website on knife throwing. Copyright and details